Fee free transactions & great rates!

Community Account

A specialised account for not-for profits.

The Community Account is a specialised transaction account, which offers unique benefits to your community group.

We partner with you to go beyond ‘just an account’ with your own specialist community banker that understands how we can best help you from your transaction accounts, fundraising initiatives, volunteer work, rewarding your supporters and more.

Get the community advantage.

  • Award winning customer service  
  • Access to fee-free transaction accounts1
  • Your own Community Banking Specialist      
  • Competitive interest rates. 



Our partners

Hutt St Centre

"The opportunity for Hutt St Centre to work with Bank of Asia Online is very exciting. Our partnership will increase participation in our events especially walk a mile in my boots, bring greater understanding of homelessness in our community and heighten awareness of Hutt St Centre's work with our most vulnerable citizens. This will help provide better services, positive community relationships and long term positive outcomes for people challenged by homelessness." 

Michael Francis.

Development and partnerships manager, Hutt St Centre.

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Need to receive donations or accept payments easily?

Whether you have a bricks and mortar presence, or you’re e-commerce based, we have a payment solution for you. Learn more about our EFTPOS and IntegraPay options.

Terms and Conditions

1. Most popular transaction methods are fee free. Fees may be charged for some services. Please refer to the Fees and Charges Guide for full details.

Before acquiring the product, you should consider if it is right for you. For full terms, conditions, fees and charges please view our Financial Services GuideProduct Guide and Fees and Charges Guide. These guides are available upon request, can be viewed on our website and will be provided at the time of acquiring the product. Interest rates are subject to change without notice.